What we do

Decades of experience, innovative technologies
Many of our clients face safety challenges that seem insurmountable. In work environments that are inherently hazardous, it’s hard to challenge long-held assumptions that accept injury as a cost of doing business. Success starts with commitment.
With over three decades of consulting experience and cultural analytics insights from our cutting-edge Transformation Cloud™ analytics platform, JMJ is here to help you make that commitment. We will work with you to create a culture where safety and well-being never have to be compromised.
What we offer
Proven safety performance
Not only have clients who’ve adopted JMJ’s safety approach sent their workers home safely, they’ve attained cost and schedule-beating project outcomes that have saved millions of dollars.
Our numbers prove safety isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do.
Increase safety performance
Measurable decrease in workplace injuries, drastically reducing total recordable injury rates (TRIR) and Lost Time Injuries (LTIs) going beyond compliance and industry averages.
Enhance internal and external company reputation
Enhanced reputation for safety, delivery, care and worker welfare resulting in reduced employee turnover and absenteeism. Company becomes more attractive to customers and talent.
Generate quantifiable cost savings
Improve gross margin through reductions in worker compensation payments, medical bills and company insurance premiums. Fewer accidents means fewer claims.
Impact overall performance positively
The level of care experienced results in greater discretionary effort from employees, leading to improvements across the board. Productivity, quality and critical deadlines all benefit from the increased effectiveness of existing initiatives, processes and people.
Create a mindful, caring culture
A positive atmosphere where people communicate openly, share ideas and collaborate, enhancing trust and transparency across the organization.
Build leadership at every level of the organization
Transfer of skills and capabilities for leading the desired shift in culture and for sustaining the change. The cultural shift is facilitated and led by people across the business.
Featured Safety Insights

Safety Leadership Toolbox Talk: When Push Comes to Shove
May 4, 2021 | NewsJMJ’s Toolbox Talks are designed to stimulate conversations around workplace safety and contribute to overall organizational efficiency, productivity and success.

Why ‘rules first’ won’t improve your plant or site safety performance
May 4, 2022 | BlogA foundation of rules isn’t the way to build a thoughtful, caring safety culture.

Energy company Maersk Oil Qatar describes strong operations management safety culture
March 21, 2013 | Case StudiesHow Maersk engaged its workforce in a positive safety culture.